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Welocome to GOT GRAFFITI? we`ll be updating all the time so subscribe to the scribes baby!!!
Our photo-journalists been all over town today i`ll be posting great urban art pics from legal sites all over today some great work stop back or subscribe we love it thanks for all the love and got graffit? post it up join and comment we love to hear from ya...PEACE!

Since we seem to have some creepy dark thing going on today inside and out here`s a couple more weird dark graffiti and it aint even close to halloween weird guess thats the rain for ya well stay dry and check out more got graffiti?

we`ll be back at it dodging puddles and posting again this evening thanks for your support tell some friends and spread the love ... Got Graffiti add this link thanks G.

Some more to tide over your graffiti pic addiction

Got Graffiti guerilla photo-journalists just got new photo`s uploaded to us enjoy these oldie but goodies from Got Graffiti...